This week, next week, and then three days of finals....Spring semester is almost over! I have calculated my grades so far and it looks like I will have: A, A, A-, A-, B (possibly B-). I'm am so looking forward to getting final grades. I have put A LOT of work into this semester after not being excepted into Beta Alpha Si (because of a tax class over a year ago) and therefore I have been working my butt off to get really good grades this semester so I can apply again! I got excepted into Beta Gamma Sigma which is an international honors society :) I was pretty happy to receive that recognition! Enough of school....tomorrow Lincoln, Dewey, Becky and I will be going to the last Jazz game of the season! Should be fun and hope it is worth the drive. Side note...I have been really focusing on keeping up on the dishes. It is really hard to be motivated to scrub dishes by hand (no dishwasher in these apartments). just becomes overwhelming. I am the type of person that loves to clean when I am in the mood. Unfortunately, being in the mood for cleaning hasn't happened as often when my mind is on school. Does anyone have any tips? What do you guys do to de-stress about dishes and just do them?