Thursday, April 2, 2009

Warmer Days are Coming

Top ten things I'm looking forward to...

1. One more month of school and this semester is over! thank goodness

2. I get my hair cut has been five months!

3. I see my mom tommorrow :)

4. It is almost playoffs and I'm hoping the Jazz play Houston

5. The weather "should" be getting warmer which leads to #6...

6. Almost time for swim suits and Seven Peaks

7. Summer, with no school, means more hours at work which = more $ which also = summer shopping :)

8. Shorts, tank tops, flip flops, sunglasses, swim suits....

9. BBQ's, Cousin's sleepover, Disneyland, fishing, hiking...

10. Most of all that I'm looking forward to is having lots more time to hang out with friends and family...I miss you guys!


tiff said...

yay for seven peaks and swimsuits! i can't wait for it to finally warm up. and i have missed you too! what is up with school taking up ALL of our time? haha. oh, and yay for haircuts too!

Eve said...

yay for summertime. I am so looking forward to a break and warm weather, my poor knees! I miss you alot too. you gotta come over just to hang out with me!
love ya!
Aunt Evie