Monday, December 13, 2010

It;s gonna be a long one...

So instead of posting when something happens, I tend to gather pictures and then blog (usually once a month) what we have been up here it goes...
First of all...Kaylin you make me smile :) I was looking through my phone and just had to put this cute pic up for all of you to see! (this was taken awhile ago, so she is bigger than this now)
On December 8th, Lincoln and I went to the Jazz vs. Heat game. If any of you watch basketball then this poster will be funny to you :) We went to the game early and got Matt Harpring's autograph on Lincoln's basketball. They snapped a shot of our poster and it ended up on TV! Pretty sweet. Then a lady with the Jazz asked Lincoln if he would like to go down on the court during the game. He agreed, duh! and after the 1st quarter he was down on the court with two other people to try and win a chevron gas card. He didn't win but I could tell by his huge smile that it was still worth it! The game was really fun, although the jazz lost. We had a blast on our little "date" night.
On Thanksgiving Dewey and Lincoln were messing around, as usual. and Lincoln rolled his ankle. We thought it was broke since he couldn't put any pressure on it and it swelled immediately! So we took him into the e.r. that evening :) These pictures are of his leg/ankle/foot about two weeks later...He had a brace to put on it and the blood seemed to pool right above the brace, hence the black and blue above the ankle and not on the ankle. Also his toes turned black and blue! Looks really nasty but he was able to play a good game of basketball the other day with his buddies, so I'm thinking it is healing good.

eew man feet!
As you may have noticed, the further you read the further back in time you go...the pictures upload this way and I forgot until after I loaded them...oh well.
These are some cards I made to swap at cousin's sleepover. This was a really fun idea and I hope we do it again next year.

So I dragged Lincoln to the Barnum and Bailey Circus this year! ha ha. I'm glad he will humor me :) I haven't been since I was little and I always remember it as being super fun! which it still is...Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!
The elephants
The motorcycle guys! This is just mind boggling to me...I would most likely wreck :)
The tigers were super neat!
Sorry for such a long post. I will work on blogging more often with seperate blogs for the things we do.
I have finished three of my finals and have two more to go! Then I can mark another semester off my list. I'm getting super close to graduating so if any of you out there need an accountant, I will be up for hire soon ;)

1 comment:

she&him said...

I went to a jazz game once and had box seats. it was so much fun and the jazz won!