Wednesday, March 30, 2011

not another headache...

Today I went to the doc because I keep having headaches along with tiredness and dizziness. When I lay down for bed at night I feel like I'm spinning. So I make sure that I'm really tired before I go to bed or else I can't get to sleep. After talking to a co-worker about how I have been feeling, she tells me that she had the same syptoms not too long ago and her's was an ear infection. So I made an appointment---got some antibiotics and dizzy pills and can't wait for all of this to be over. A fun thing that has come from all of this is that I got a "headache log app" on my phone :) Yes there is an app for that. So now everytime I have a headache I can log when it happens---syptoms, medication taken, etc---and it will help me figure out when I have the highest frequency of headaches (what time of day, what time of month, etc.) and then it also has the capability to email the results to my doc. Yay. I took an audit quiz today and now I can go lounge on the couch, drink some "choca--nook" (as Kaylin use to call it) and watch my DVRed DWTS, Biggest Loser, American Idol, and America's Next Top Model. Haha--DVR is awesome!

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